Grambling State University G-Men loss to Cali 73 to 14 in Berkeley on Saturday, Sept. 5, but at the same time was a winner. Despite the loss by the football team, GSU won with admiration, respect, and appreciation from University of California (Cal). GSU made history being the first HBCU […]
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Big changes come to GSU Sports Media
GSU Sports Media is making some new adjustments this semester by involving more students who can get experience in broadcasting, marketing, reporting, social media, promotions and more. After losing former sports information director Robert Vogel, interim Athletic Director, Dr. Obadiah Simmons, thought it was time for Grambling to take a […]
Wallace juggles politics, athletics
While many are familiar with the G-Men and the incessant work they do on the gridiron come game day, fans and supporters are likely unaware that there is a member of the Student Government Association on the football squad. And he just happens to be president to be exact. Jonathan […]
GSU welcomes campus minister
On Aug. 1, Grambling State welcomed its new campus minister, the Rev. C. DeWayne Hollins, M.Div., who will be the executive director of the Wesley Foundation Serving GSU Campus Ministry. Not only has he been recognized as a dedicated hard working pastor, he also is known for making a difference […]
Calendar Girls shine
The long awaited calendars for Miss Cover Girl and the Calendar Girls have finally arrived. CaptionGLENN LEWIS/The Yearbook A student talks with Miss July Danielle Dickinson (right) as he goes down the line getting the 2015-2016 Calendar Girl Calendar signed by Miss Cover Girl and each month’s representative. The […]
Grambling gives over 500 degrees
While it seemed it would be yet another joyous day to commemorate and congratulate the graduating class of Spring 2015, Mother Nature had a little something up her sleeve. Family members and friends of the graduates spent a great majority of their time scurrying through the harsh wind and rain, […]
Welcome To GSU, Dr. Willie D. Larkin
Greetings Grambling Family! I am extremely honored to have been selected as the 9th President of Grambling State University! As you ALL know, Grambling is an exceptional, innovative, creative, and outstanding university. I know our university will only get better and better! I call upon each of you to […]
GSU GETS 9th president
The Grambling State University students, faculty and staff welcomed a new member to their family last week. Dr. Willie D. Larkin was named the ninth president of the university. He is currently serving as chief of staff to the […]
Father’s Day emotions run high
Father’s Day is fast approaching, while young and old sit patiently and prepare for the only day that honors the fathers in this country. Some fathers find the day patronizing to their positions as fathers. Some are excited to celebrate their first Father’s Day. On this holiday, fathers are […]
Online article infuriates readers
quot;The math is very clear; the market is trying to kill both of these schools. Grambling is out in the middle of nowhere and suffers from chronic mismanagement," said Kevin Boyd, Louisiana-based national and state political commentator. Kevin Boyd published that statement on THE HAYRIDE, a conservative political commentary site, […]