Gramblinite staff Excellence is required at Grambling State University; and the track team is no exception. Southern University, Florida State and FAMU, just to name a few, are no competition for the Grambling Tigers track team as they travel to Florida today for the FAMU Relays this weekend. "We expect […]
Author: Dayna T. Newkirk
Business organization holds seminar
Empower Yourself was the title of the seminar hosted by the Alpha Tau Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. Encouraging students to prepare themselves for a future in the corporate world. The seminar was held Thursday, March 3 in Room 112 of Jacob T. Stewart room 112. "Perfect practice makes […]
KGRM in running for college top station
KGRM is making headlines once again. "Station of the Year" is the new category for Grambling’s own radio station KGRM and it is up to GSU to make sure that this title is won. The Black College Radio Conference is an annual event that determines which HBCU can be deemed […]
Green pushing his soul through the pen
Welcome to the mind of the Windy City native whose words flow like water for chocolate; common Harold Green is not. Known to provoke thought, ignite passion and soothe souls all in the span of a single sentence, Green’s syllable slicing has earned him a reputation as one of Grambling’s […]
On Fyre Entertainment does it again
They are On Fire again. Yes, On Fyre Entertainment has released their seventh compilation, Da Streets Are Back Again Mix tape Volume 7, which is loaded with 20 tracks. Simultaneously, On Fyre’s hottest rap group, Miscellaneous, released their first album three weeks ago, and have already sold over 200 copies, […]
Gramblinite named best newspaper by professional journalism group
Gramblinite named best newspaper by professional journalism group Staff report The Gramblinite, the student newspaper at Grambling State University, was named the best nondaily student newspaper Saturday afternoon at the Society of Professional Journalists Region 12 Conference in New Orleans. The Gramblinite picked up three other Mark of Excellence awards […]
Senior art student features work
Senior art student features work Staff report Grambling State University senior art student Duran Johnson’s work will be featured in the Dunbar Hall Art Gallery from March 7- 31. A reception for the artist is scheduled for Wednesday, March 16 from 4 to 6 p.m. The show is entitled, "A […]
testing by NDG
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