
Senior art student features work

Senior art student features work Staff report Grambling State University senior art student Duran Johnson’s work will be featured in the Dunbar Hall Art Gallery from March 7- 31.

A reception for the artist is scheduled for Wednesday, March 16 from 4 to 6 p.m.

The show is entitled, "A Journey Into My Mind."

"The collection is an expression of the feelings that I often have trouble verbalizing," said Johnson. These works allows the viewer to see a side of the artist that isn’t always visible."

These works expose his feelings about love, spirituality and fear. Johnson’s work records his struggle to define himself as an artist.

Along with struggle, the feelings of love and religion are also apparent in these works.

"Family is very important, and Ebony, my wife, is the most precious person to me." expressed Johnson.

Johnson, whose family taught him how to love unconditionally, uses his art as a form of ministry.

Gallery Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public is invited to attend. Large groups and special needs persons please call 318-274-2274 for accommodations.