Each month the Rotary Club of Ruston hosts a luncheon honoring Lincoln Parish high school seniors for their academic achievements. Abigail Gail Morris was chosen as Grambling State University Laboratory High School’s November student. She said, “I thought it was a huge honor. It is good to be with other […]
Miss GHS to accept her crown
On this evening, the newly-elected Grambling State University Laboratory Schools’ queens will be crowned at a coronation.Representing Grambling High School is Kyrah Hill. CaptionMELANIE C. THOMASThe Yearbook Miss GHS will be crowned tonight in the T.H. Harris Auditorium. Recently, Hill, a 12th grade honor student, was recognized by Ruston’s […]
Two Towns, Two Teams, One Cause
On Friday the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Lincoln Parish hosted the Lincoln Parish Purple Bowl. The game, Grambling High versus Cedar Creek, was held in Eddie G. Robinson Stadium. MELANIE C. THOMAS/Courtesy photo Purple balloons are released during GHS halftime activities for the “Purple Out” Friday, Sept. […]
Two Towns, Two Teams, One Cause
On Friday the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Lincoln Parish hosted the Lincoln Parish Purple Bowl. The game, Grambling High versus Cedar Creek, was held in Eddie G. Robinson Stadium. MELANIE C. THOMAS/Courtesy photo Purple balloons are released during GHS halftime activities for the “Purple Out” Friday, Sept. […]
Many participate in poetry contest
The City of Grambling’s 2015 Juneteenth Festival began with the annual Black Poetry Contest, sponsored by the Grambling Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Pinkie C. Wilkerson Life Development Center and the City of Grambling. The contest was held at New Rocky Valley Baptist Church of Grambling. Seventeen […]
Monroe-Grambling Links present seven young men of excellence
Trace Payne was crowned Mr. Beau 2015 at the Monroe-Grambling Chapter of the Links, Incorporated biennial beautillion, recently. The theme for the beautillion was Creating a Healthy Legacy for Young Men of Excellence. Payne said, “It was a good experience. I met a lot of distinguished people, and I was […]
Delta alumnae chapter attends meeting
Several members of the Grambling Alumnae Chapter (GAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. traveled to Baton Rouge for a conference held for Louisiana chapters. The 2014 Louisiana Statewide Red and White Day at the State Capitol and the Louisiana Statewide Meeting were combined. This year marked the 30th […]
Black History Oratorical winners announced
DeMarious D. Combs and Christopher M. Albright were this year’s winners of the Dr. Helen Richards-Smith Black History Oratorical Contest. Combs placed first with his oration of his essay “Youth: Important or Not to the Civil Rights Movement.” His essays told how “youth were the pivotal turning point of […]
Delta alumnae chapter goes ‘Red’
The American Heart Association has implemented National Wear Red Day, the first Friday of each February. On this day, everyone is encouraged to wear red, take notice of their cardiovascular health and take action to live longer, healthier lives. The Grambling Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. […]
Final respects paid to long time local pastor
Many traveled to Jonesboro to pay their final respects and celebrate the life of Rev. Roosevelt Bryant Jr. Bryant, a New Orleans native, was the pastor of Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church of Jonesboro for 22 years. Esther Robinson, who grew up in the church, said Rev. Bryant was more […]