
Constable spreads awareness

Grambling has a new con­stable who plans to make the city’s residents, as well as Gram­bling State University students aware of the importance of the office.

“I would first like to thank the citizens for their vote and support,” said Larry Jones, newly elected constable.

“I had a vision when seeking election for the constableship and that vision was being able to work with the citizens of Grambling,” Constable Jones said, “on educating them about the laws of the city as well as with the youth of our commu­nity and area schools to ensure the attendance of our children are being monitored to defray truancy which is a major issue at most area schools.”

Jones said there are about six main duties of a constable.

  • Working closely with the justice of the peace in small claims court.
  • Peace officer-maintain the peace and arrest persons guilty or suspected of a crime.
  • Delivering of summons which informs a person that he or she is a defendant in a lawsuit.
  • Attachment seizure of a debtors property pursuant to a court order.
  • Truancy – to ensure stu­dents are attending school as mandated by the state.
  • Traffic citations are issued to violators of law, suspicious activity, controlled substances, and defective equipment.

These are just a few of the task in which constable Jones will be performing while in of­fice.

Jones is a native of Min­den, who moved to the City of Grambling in 2000 as a police officer and a member of the Mount Zion Baptist Church of Grambling. His experience includes 18 years of service in law enforcement. He also serves as assistant police chief in Grambling.

Jones is a member of a number of organizations which include: Masonic lodge 83, the Grambling beautification club, NAACP of Grambling, Served on the steering committee for the Boys and Girls Club, served as volunteer fire fighter, Lin­coln Rolling Knights member (community involvement by supporting underprivileged children) and GSU Tiger Men Fellowship Club.

He serves as a motivational speaker at area churches, and schools informing youth of today of the laws as well as the importance of staying in school and receiving an educa­tion. Letting them know that there are, no dream in life is too big to accomplish with persis­tence and determination.

Jones as received special commendations, such as Out­standing narcotic traffic ar­rest-2002- Grambling Univer­sity Police, Outstanding police work-2003-Grambling city police and Distinguish service above and beyond the call of duty -2004- Grambling city police.

Jones offers safety tips

Constable Jones offered a few safety tips for the cold months. Jones offered a few tips to ensure the safety of the family: Check and change fil­ters, clean fireplaces and chim­neys, check gas lines for leaks, and keep all combustible items away from any heating unit, whether gas or electric. If pos­sible keep a fire extinguisher on hand to control small fires.

The second safety is­sue deals with the burning of leaves and other debris: When burning outdoors, be sure the area is safe and away from all flammable materials. Never leave a fire unattended due to the fact leaves burn fast espe­cially when dry. Never try to contain a yard fire or any other type of fire alone. Dial 911 or call your local fire department for assistance.

The constable wanted to raise awareness concerning children and matches. Young children are curious about cer­tain items and matches being one of those curiosities. Never leave any items that are used to make a fire out in the pres­ence of a child or children due to the fact that when matches are stricken and not disposed of properly they can lead to a housefire or even graver dan­ger. Make sure that your family has a fire drill plan with a des­ignated spot to meet ensuring the safety of everyone. Inform your child or children to never hide inside a closet, under beds, or go back looking for items that it’s best when fire alarm goes off to immediately go to designated meeting point. Check fire alarms regularly to make sure they’re function­ing properly by depressing the middle button and listening for the beep. If your home doesn’t have an alarm check with your local fire department to see if some are available.

Constable Jones would like to direct attention to vehi­cle safety. Cellphone use while driving is the leading cause of most vehicle accidents. If you should receive a call while you’re driving and don’t have a hands-free phone it is vital that you find a safe place to pull of the road and make the call, af­ter all it can and will save the lives of other as well as your­self.

The constable wanted to bring attention to safety dur­ing hunting season. With this time of year being rabbit and squirrel season plenty of fami­lies spend quality time together hunting so guns play an impor­tant role in safety. Never leave a loaded gun unattended espe­cially with minors around.

Whenever guns aren’t be­ing used place them in a safety cabinet under lock and key.

Loaded guns can prove to be dangerous when not properly stored. When hunt­ing, wear a highlighted jacket or vest to alert others of your presence. These are just a few tips to make your hunting trip a pleasurable one.

To contact Constable Jones with questions or concerns, call 318-548-8418 or stop by 171 Main St. in Grambling.