Sequanaka Mckinney
Over the past couple of years, Youtube has become a source of income and a path to fame for people of all ages.
Youtube offers income opportunities to people who earn hundreds to thousands of subscribers in exchange for sharing relatable content.
Some teenagers and young adults have opted out of getting a typical job and picked up a camera instead.
GSU freshman Sequanaka Mckinney started going viral on her social media platforms and soon realized she could earn money for doing things she loved.
Mckinney is from Chicago and decided to attend Grambling because of her family members who prompted her to do so. Mckinney explains deciding to go natural with her hair is what inspired her to start her own Youtube channel. She watched natural hair videos and decided to start her own.
“I started my channel in October of 2017. I sent my first video link to friends in hopes that they would watch and share it,” she said.
Mckinney’s content includes natural hair tips, lace frontal reviews, fashion hauls and vlogs. Mckinney’s overall purpose is to inspire girls and women to embrace their natural beauty and express themselves through fashion and hair styles. Although Youtube is creative and fun there are cons as well.
“The pros of being a Youtuber is the acknowledgment from the public, the business with companies and the fact that I can get paid to do what I like. Cons of being a Youtuber is the negative feedback from the public, the required time and consistency, and brainstorming content can be hard at times,” she said.
Mckinney explains there were times where she wanted to quit, especially when she became a freshman transitioning into college, but she kept going. In regards to dealing with criticism, she learned to handle it with maturity overtime.
“I used to clap back to every negative comment and get discouraged and insecure, but now I take it with a grain of salt because this is the life I want to live and there are thousands of people who may not agree or like what I’m doing,” she said.
One thing Mckinney didn’t realize was that sharing her life with the world truly meant she no longer had privacy.
“I definitely want my privacy back and it’s too late. On Snapchat, I get 80,000 views and now I have to monitor my locations and certain opinions,” she said.
Mckinney didn’t also didn’t realize that people on campus already knew her from youtube. She likes being known as Youtuber in hopes that it’s a good thing, but isn’t too keen on being called famous. In the near future, Mckinney would like to have a TV show here on campus which would require a separate channel.
“I want a nice set up, to feature students, faculty, and outside guests like Grambling legends or even famous people,” she said.
Mckinney is involved on campus as a member of the Black Dynasty Modeling Troupe.