
Homecoming 2009 comedy show slams

The 2009 homecoming comedy show was held on Wednesday night in the T.H. Harris Auditorium. The all-star cast consisted of E.J. Gilbert, De’mon Jones, Rudy Rush, and Chris Jones. Rush spoke of the show’s atmosphere.

“The energy of the crowd was awesome. I had a great time. This is why I do comedy. It’s all about using comedy as an art to paint laughter. I love it,” Rush said.

Rush, a 15-year veteran and Harlem native, has experienced a successful career in the comedy industry. From touring colleges and clubs, to being the youngest host of the longest running African American show, Showtime at the Apollo. Next, Rush plans to tour with comedian Martin Lawrence and headline in New York comedy clubs in November.

Host De’mon Jones also delighted the crowd with humor. Jones, an Arlington, TX native, told jokes relating to his family, which he says is his inspiration.

“My family is very dysfunctional. They should all be getting a check,” Jones said.

Jones has opened for comedian Monique and plans to tour with John Rice, who is the group organizer. Rice is a 1994 GSU graduate and is also a successful business promoter.
Chris Jones, an Alabama native, captured the crowd with an energetic performance relating to his childhood, life in the military, and current events. Jones described his drive for comedy.

“I’m just trying to do better in life. I always knew that I could do this type of work. I was the class clown growing up. I’m merely using comedy as a stepping-stone. Eventually, I would like to become an actor,” Jones said.

Jones is expected to headline in an upcoming television show with Vicky Winans and will be on tour with Chris Rock.

Former GSU student and Los Angeles native E.J. Gilbert opened the show with an original routine and received an unfavorable reaction.

Other students had mixed opinions of the show.
“The people got their monies worth,” said Cameron Butler of Dallas.

“I honestly feel that the comedy show was average. But as it progressed, it improved,” said Christian Jackson of Los Angeles. “I feel that the crowd responded appropriately.”

“Robert Powell and Rudy Rush and friends was a superb combination of non-stop laughs,” said Mike Larry of Monroe.

“Comedy is a gift and to not use it would be a waste. If I can make someone smile, it makes all the difference to me,” Gilbert said.

Imani Jackson contributed to this story.