
While The Gramblinite tries to publish only legitimate business ads, it's the responsibility of the reader to investigate any business venture before investing time or money. For more information on any business, contact the Better Business Bureau at 1-800-960-7756. The Gramblinite Grambling State University 2013-2015 Advertising Rates Email: Fax: 318.274.3194 318.274.3332/3331 General ad policy Accounts can be paid in advance or billed after the advertisement runs. All checks must be payable to Grambling State University (The Gramblinite must be included in the memo section of the check). All bills are payable ten (10) days after receipt of the invoice. All rates are non-commissionable. There is a 10% discount for ads running four (4) consecutives times during the month. The Gramblinite reserves the right to revise or reject, at our discretion, any advertisement which we deem objectionable, whether for subject matter, graphics, phraseology or setup. Allowances for errors are given as monetary credit or reruns. The amount of allowance is based on the impact of the error as it affects the entire advertisement. Telephone or verbal instructions will not be considered as a basis for adjustment unless these instructions are confirmed in writing or email by the advertiser before insertion. No allowances will be given for advertisement omission or position request not honored. The Gramblinite does not accept inserts. Color Rates Advertiser must provide processed separations. Separations should include color keys or color proofs. A two-week deadline for color separation work is required. One color…………………………….$ 75. Two colors…………………………… 175. Process color……………………….. 200. Rates Local National $6.00 per column inch $10.00 per column inch Two Page Spread $1638.00 $2730.00 Full Page $756.00 $1260.00 Half Page $378.00 $ 630.00 Quarter Page $189.00 $ 315.00 Eighth Page $ 99.00 $ 165.00 Gramblinite Publication Dates August 2013 – July 2015 (318) 274-3332/247-3331 FALL 2013 August September October November December 22 5 3 7 5 29 12 10 14 19 17 21 26 24 31 SPRING 2014 January February March April May 9 6 13 10 1 16 13 20 17 23 20 27 30 27 SUMMER 2014 June July 12 17 FALL 2014 August September October November December 21 4 2 6 4 28 11 9 13 18 16 20 25 23 30 SPRING 2015 January February March April May 15 5 5 16 22 12 12 29 26 19 26 SUMMER 2015 June July 11 16 Notice: All AD materials (PDFS required) are due at least five (5) days prior to the publishing date. Please send AD inquiries to