The Grambling State Tigers recently had their first home game, which means tailgating is back.
Houston, Texas native Kenyatta Kelly enjoyed visiting groups who were tailgating at the first home game.
Kelly originally graduated from Grambling State in 1997.
She just returned to Grambling as a non-traditional student finishing her degree in sports management and will soon start working on her masters in sports administration.
Kelly said with it being their first home game of the season there was a lot of tailgating.
“Most tailgaters are alumni and it’s a great way to have fun and network with them so for homecoming and the final home game you will definitely see me tailgating,” she said.
Although Kelly did not personally host a tailgate she was invited to visit other tailgating sites and attended the game.
Kelly said she was able to mix and mingle her way through her friend's tailgate and had a good time.
“I definitely had friends that invited me to their trucks,I was also able to take a few to go trays along the way to ” Kelly said.
She said Covid did not play a part in her decision not to have her own tailgate setup.
“Covid did not stop anything especially not with tailgating because I’m gonna wear my mask regardless,” she said.
Because the game protocols and tailgating protocols regarding Covid are not being dealt with the same it’s still good to be safe while tailgating at the home games.
Kelly was adamant that the first game will be the first and last time she doesn’t have her own tailgating party.

Kenyatta Kelly and friends tailgating.