Taj Johnson
Biology (ROTC)
New Orleans, Louisiana
I plan to improve Grambling a couple ways by getting involved and making sure everyone has help with learning. Broadcast scholarships and help others find ways to get through school financially. Because it’s hard to come to school and not have a way to pay for it. Stop the increased rate of dropouts;Dealing with debt and just help out in any way. Basically Get people in a program; like the ROTC program is to help students it gives skills of discipline,leadership, team management,etc. The skills that down the line will help you in the real world. if something drastic was to happen like another war you would know how to handle it
DeVian Crosby
Kansas City Missouri
I plan to improve Grambling by getting more involved in organizations on campus, to keep the incoming freshman class alert and be a role model. For instance with my concentration in the psychology and sociology program and getting connections. Gsu is on top of things;but communication amongst all the different programs would be a great improvement.
Ciera Ellington
Sociology (women’s basketball)
Portland Oregon
I am a transfer student, so my improvement list isn’t very long.However I plan to improve Grambling by being my best self to help the women’s basketball team this year to get to the championship. To make grambling a powerhouse again like when it was in back in the day.
Malik Abdul
Business (Mens Baseball)
Detroit, Michigan
I plan to improve Grambling by contributing to changing the baseball culture. For so long good black athletes go to pwi’s (Predominantly white institution) but never a HBCU. (historically black college university)So I decided to be a part of that change! and I believe we have a special team here at Grambling this year.