Favrot Student Union Board is an organization many students get involved in on the campus of Grambling State University.
Each semester the organization plans events for the campus and staff to give this college community a stress re- liever outside of class.
FSUB Vice President Renard Woodard, a Baton Rouge na- tive, has a lot to say about the organization.
Woodard joined FSUB back in the fall of 2018 and was a general member for two years.
Last semester Renard was promoted to vice president and is making his way up to run for president in the future.
“I joined FSUB because I was always active in high school. I wanted to join SGA (Student Government Asso- ciation) but found out about FSUB,”Woodard said.
Woodard said he enjoys be- ing a member of FSUB moreso than SGA.
“FSUB was less stressful than SGA, but you still get the same benefits as SGA. ”Woodard said since he has been a member, FSUB’s best event was Spring Fest 2019.
“It was live and turnt, and I most definitely lost sleep that week, but I don’t regret any of it,”Woodard said.
The presidents, vice presidents, managers, chairs and co-chairs at FSUB make sure everything runs smoothly with no problems.
All FSUB events are posted on either Instagram or Twitter. FSUB’s president is Courtan Williams. Williams is energetic and extremely passionate about FSUB.
“FSUB is a family and wel- comes everyone that would think about joining FSUB,” Wil- liams said.
Williams said FSUB is main- ly about caring for the students and making sure everyone at Grambling State feels at home.
FSUB is very passionate about helping students succeed while in college and pre- paring them for life, Williams said. Williams believes for every student who joins, their whole college experience moves so much smoother.
“Embrace and express your personality through FSUB, and be a part of the family,” Wood- ard urged.
Woodard said the FSUB program is about bringing the student body together and embracing campus.
“Making sure the students feel safe and at home is one of our biggest goals, as new students move onto campus,” Williams said.
FSUB also offers interested students an opportunity to get more involved around the community on campus.
Williams encouraged students to get more involved at Grambling University by becoming a member of FSUB.
Woodard said serving the campus and organization is something any student should want to be a part of.
“We look forward to seeing more phenomenal events oc- cur on campus as we get ready for the fall at Grambling State University, ‘Where everybody is somebody,’”Woodard said.
Those interested in joining should contact Charlette Fa- vors, coordinator of clubs and organizations at 318-274-6111 or by email at favorsc@gram. edu.

FSUB puts on events for students, like this fall’s Zydeco dance night.