Freshman year is always something you will remember, the milestone of new beginnings. The new experiences are memorable.
Incoming freshman World Famed march- ing Band member Toccoa Kyler shared her experience.
Q: Why did you pick Grambling (besides the scholarship)?
A: I picked Grambling to be a part of the marching band. Iknew that being in the marching band would give me different opportunities based on what I saw in the past years of the GSU World Famed.
Q: Coming into GSU World Famed Tiger Marching Band is there pressure on you in any way? Why or why not?
A: Yes, There is pressure on me just the simple fact that I’ve never been in a marching band before and most of the people here have had some sort of marching band experience and it’s a lot of hard work learning how to march and play at the same time. And learning how to play in general.
Q: With the first upcoming show how do you think you will feel?
A: The first show will be in Ohio some time in September. I feel pretty excited to be with the world famed tiger marching band. I will be nervous a little just because there will be a lot of people there and this will be my first time performing in front of a big crowd like that but I will be okay.
Q: Do you feel like you are a part of histo- ry this 2021 season with the Grambling Tiger World Famed Tiger Marching Band?
A: Yes, I do feel I’m apart of history and since I’m a freshman i don’t know much about it but I did hear that because of Covid the GSU World Famed Tiger Marching Band couldn’t do as much and this is gonna be the most in two years that they’ve traveled so this should be exciting and eye opening.
Q: What are your thoughts about the second woman in the last 70 years to become drum major? Do you think you can get there? What instrument did she play? What instru- ment do you play?
A: Personally I would not like to become a drum major, however I do feel really inspired that she (Candace Hawthorne) became a drum major this season. Especially because she plays piccolo like me and it’s really cool that she’s breaking records in the world.
Q: What are some of your goals while you are here at GSU, with the band and in the classroom?
A: With the band I hope to get experience and exposure. Travel to learn different cultures. In the classroom my goal is to get my degree so I can be a clinical psychologist.
Q: Do you know what you want to do after you graduate?
A: I hope to have a non-profit that helps
out the people with therapy or any type of guidance in life. I’m not sure if I want to aim just towards kids,teens or adults.
Q: As far as practices, is there any advice or anything that stands out to you as a Freshman? A: Practice is all night long. I can tell the difference when we put our all into the music .If you want to be a part of the world famed
you have to be ready to put that work in.
Q: Closing comments?
A: Never give up if you happen to join it
will pay off. Once you are a freshman like I am they call you crab, because you have to earn your spot. And your respect will come the lon- ger the time you put in, the more respect you get.

Toccoa Kyler