
From social gatherings to social distancing

This unprecedented virus, COVID-19, has caused many nations to call for lockdowns and take certain precautions regarding gatherings of large groups of people. On March 16, Governor John Bel Edwards mandated that all bars, gyms, casinos, and movie theaters close, and that social gatherings be limited to 10 people or less in efforts to slow the spread of the virus. 

Governments abroad have called for the nation to practice social distancing during this quarantine. According to John Hopkins Medicine, social distancing is defined as “deliberately increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness.” It also adds “Staying at least six feet away from other people lessens your chances of catching COVID-19.” 

“I feel like people are not taking it seriously,” Randell said. “Most of my friends are still going out to visit their friends, and in Louisiana cases are increasing daily,” she continued. “I know that social distancing is what is best for everyone right now, but I feel like many college students are looking at this time out of school as one long summer break.” 

With cases increasing rapidly and gatherings still happening, many employers have sent their employees home to work remotely from their homes. Many non-essential businesses have been closed to limit contact with customers who they provide services to at less than 6 feet. 

“I think eventually nothing will be open,” Randell said. “They closed the hair stores of all places, but supermarkets are still open, but I feel like cashiers are next up to be sent home because most, if not all supermarkets have self checkout.” 

With more and more businesses being closed on a weekly basis, people who are abiding by social distancing are finding ways to stay busy in their homes and neighborhoods. 

“This is the time to work on my procrastination being that I do not have anything else to do but turn in my school work,” Randell said. “I also feel like this is the best time to find a hobby or perfect a hobby.” “Nobody should be sitting around in the house all day because that is not healthy.” 

“If I can offer any advice to anyone having a hard time social distancing, it would be to think of something that they always wanted to do but never found it had time to do and start it now,” Randell said.