View from RWE Jones Drive on the campus of Grambling State University
Did you receive a ticket? It is a question that circulates on campus at the beginning of each semester.
A parking permit for GSU students costs $14 for on-campus and commuter students. That cost is much less than paying a ticket.
Student parking is labeled by a white curb, faculty parking yellow and standard handicap blue. If you parked illegally you might find yourself receiving a ticket of up to $50 per the parking handbook.
Some students have pointed to construction on campus and faculty-only parking lots as a deterrent to parking legally.
“I feel that the university should not allow freshmen to have cars, which would lighten on-campus traffic and free up parking spaces,” off-campus student Malik Walker said.
ROTC cadet Alexya Beck, who lives on campus, said students should limit driving to class.
“I think if there is inclement weather, students should then drive to class,” Beck said.
The Regulatory Governing Motor Vehicle Parking pamphlet states that “regulations are enforced from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in all parking areas.”
Parking regulations are in effect at all times from the beginning of the first day of class each semester and all summer sessions.
Police officials are not the only ones authorized to issue tickets to students. Students, the majority of whom are criminal justice majors, also take part in ticketing illegal parkers for completion of their practicum and/or to pay off their own acquired ticket balances.
It is safe to say that ticketing has placed a sour taste in many students’ mouths. However, others would recommend that you always should “read the fine print.” But in the end, it is in the driver’s best interest to take the necessary precautions to avoid receiving a ticket.
Who wants to be nickeled and dimed for something so mundane as parking? So students are attentive to the yellow, white, and blue curb markings that designate who should and should not park where.
If you ever have any questions regarding this matter refer to the Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Parking Pamphlet that can be accessed in Long-Jones Hall or online at the University website www.Gram.edu/maps/parking.