Several students sport their ‘Joven Jefe’ t-shirts around campus. Media Relations/Courtesy photo

Several students sport their ‘Joven Jefe’ t-shirts around campus. Media Relations/Courtesy photo
Fredrick Green Jr., a senior business management major from Tallulah, Louisiana, is a proud new business owner. Green sells T-shirts here at GSU, while maintaining a powerful presence on campus.
Green is the founder and CEO of Joven Jefe Clothing, LLC. Green explains his story on how his business started. Green says that his father, Frederic Green Sr, always stressed to him that he should not grow up working for someone for a long time. “As a child, my father mentored to me endlessly about life and preparation for my future,” said Green. “I came from a family of struggle, and I knew that I wanted to break that cycle. Seeing that a job only was only just enough to get by just was not satisfying for me. Living from paycheck to paycheck just to make ends meet, was not the life that I envisioned for myself.”
Joven Jefe is for Spanish “Young Boss.” Green, wanted to make an impact on children and individuals his age: he wanted them to be cognizant of the fact that they are never too young to become a boss. Green created a message that will pitch to children and encourage the young minds to become entrepreneurs.
In addition to owning a business, Green devotes a lot of his time to being heavily involved in his community and on GSU’s campus. He currently serves as the Vice President of United Afrikan American Men Fraternity, Inc. (UAAM), Mr. Phi Beta Lambda, and as a member of Black Dynasty Modeling Troupe.
Green explains that he juggles his business by balancing his organizations. “I’m always on the go, so I cut everything that is not important so that I can have time for everything,” said Green.
Green’s overall goal is to get all young entrepreneurs in one room to collaborate and uplift one another, not compete. “The government is printing new money and burning old money everyday. As a whole, we have to learn to help one another make it instead of having that selfish mentality.”
Green feels that his family has made an impact on him, and believes that having someone in your corner to motivate you, can positively impact your life. As a senior, he takes underclassmen like Gregory Hick, Raymond Washington, and Allen Sandifier under his wings. Hick, a sophomore mass communication major from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, really resonates with the movement that Green is starting, and looks to Green as an older brother. “Joven Jefe’s message goes far beyond a simple fashion statement. It encourages its customers to take control of their lives while they can, to be what its name means: a Young Boss” said Hick.
Washington, a sophomore computer information systems major from Chicago, Illinois, also truly supports the movement. “It is more than a clothing brand! In reality, it is more like motivation to break the norm. BE A BOSS, not a worker. #TeachEmYoung” saiid Washington.
Allen Sandifer, a mass communications major from New Orleans, Louisiana, allows the movement to inspire him. “Joven Jefe is an inspiration to young people to be their own boss. To create their own business and opportunity. This brand sends a powerful message to not only the youth but to all the entrepreneurs. You are never too young to be your own boss” said Sandifer.
If you are interested in purchasing any merchandise from Green.
His website is https://www.jovenjefe.com.