
Favrot Student Union Board hosts domestic violence awareness seminar

Flyer for FSUB’s domestic violence awareness event. Courtesy photo

The Favrot Student Union Board’s Hospitality committee hosted a domestic violence awareness event for the University on Oct. 15. 

The event entitled “Did You Hit Though” was aimed at bringing more to light to domestic violence issues that can take place within peoples lives and inform attendees of the signs of abuse. 

Guest speakers included Taundra Turner and Angelia Wallace who shared insight about their personal experiences with domestic violence relationships. 

Taundra Turner has been employed at Grambling State University for over 14 years as the social relational coordinator. 

She discussed her traumatizing story of having to go through a violent relationship full of physically, emotionally and controlling abuse.  

Wallace shared her story of being attacked and stabbed 23 times by her former boyfriend and making it out alive. 

Despite the history that the ladies have been through they both are still here standing today and speaking on their situations as, well as enlightening and informing others about domestic violence. Many victims are not able to share their stories due to being shamed, humiliated, not physically able to or unfortunately are dead.

“I felt the event was extremely necessary,” Kennedi Kirkline, a senior biology major is the co-chair of hospitality for FSUB, said. “I see many of my classmates suffer in silence about the abuse that they face from someone who claims to ‘love’ them. I have had a close friend of mine lose her aunt due to domestic violence as well.” 

Kirkline said she and Araya McNeary, the hospitality chair at FSUB, felt the event was important to host.  

“(We) felt as though this event would be one to shed light of what’s going on around us every day,” Kirkline said. “It’s hard for people to escape sometimes because they don’t know how, and it is imperative to notice the signs so that people can separate themselves from a toxic situation before it goes too far.” 

Although the turn out of the event was low due to the rain those who showed up seemed to have a better understanding of how domestic violence can come from any sex and takes many forms. One important fact to take from this seminar is simply “love doesn’t hurt it heals” as stated by Turner.