Tiger Paws is a community service group initiated by the 66th Miss Grambling State University Rickenzie Johnikin. She wants to bring more unity amongst children and present opportunities to serve the university and community.
Johnikin, 21, is a senior mass communication major from Farmerville, Louisiana, and her motivation for this program is her knowledge of how service unifies people.
“Service is always about lending a helping hand,” Johnikin said. “So, I thought about us being tigers, and how the paws of a tiger are their hands, and that is how I came up with the name Tiger Paws.
“We’re using our paws (hands) to get out in the community and make a difference.”
This benefits GSU students looking for opportunities to gain service-learning hours, while also benefiting children in the community.
“There is always something that needs to be done and change that needs starting, so lending a helping hand Is always a great gesture that benefits everyone on both ends,” said Johnikin.
Miss Grambling’s platform is highly revered by her dedication to service, and her ability to turn the service she does for others, into joy.
“I hold service near to my heart. It brings joy to my spirit to be able to help others in any aspect.
“I wanted to bring that same joy to the university and the community and that is what motivated me to start the community service group.”
There is no specific GPA or classification needed to join Tiger Paws.
To join this initiative team, sign up by emailing your name, classification, and university email to 66tigerpaws@gmail.com. There is no deadline as of now, but there will be a notification released about the cutoff date.