Javanah Barnes, a performing arts major from Chicago, received a award for her artwork. Ashirah Cimone Simpson/Courtesy photo
On Sept. 19, approximately 30 to 35 people came out to see the work of Grambling State University students at the 2019 Student Art Show.
The show consisted of four categories: Drawing and Painting, Mixed Media, Digital Media (and Photography)and Best in Show. Students entered up to three pieces of any medium with no barriers to enter, as the show was open to all majors and free.
“Winners were selected in each category, by a juror to create space between the students and professors,” Department Chair Rodrecas Davis said. “The juror allowed for the art to be evaluated unbiased, without considering the experience level of the artist. The juror is to be objective because they have never seen the work before, but in the end, it is subjective because they choose the winner based on ‘what they feel.’”
Javannah Barnes, Mixed Media 3rd place winner, said it was an honor to participate in the event.
“It was very fun and motivational,” Barnes said.
“Seeing how far my classmates and I have come from the beginning of the semester and watching how excited they were to receive their award brought me so much joy.”
Barnes stated that walking into Dunbar each day and seeing her work hanging in the gallery makes her happy.
The piece submitted by Barnes was experimental. She was playing around with mixed media and different textures until she had an epiphany, the piece had an interesting composition with a fun color scheme.
“Instead of putting it away in storage, I decided it would be a great piece to enter the show,” Barnes said.
Barnes’ change of mind turned out to be a good decision as she won an award. She said she has received support and mentoring from her professors who strongly support each student.
Student art work can still be viewed in the Dunbar Gallery Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. until noon.
Grambling alum Benny Andrews said everyone who was included is a is a winner just because they were made it into a public showing.
“If you get in, do not be too excited and do not be upset if you do not win because you never know what the juror was thinking,” Andrews said.