
The most important local election of recent times

On Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019 the PA505 class had a conference call with District 11 State Representative, the Honorable Patrick Jefferson who is unopposed in the Oct. 12, 2019 primary election.  

Jefferson was asked to share his views on why it is important for the students of Grambling State University and the surrounding community to vote in this upcoming election. 

 “This is the most important local election of recent times and even more important will be the 2020 presidential elections,” Jefferson siad.  “We cannot afford to be apathetic at this time, and we have less than three weeks to make a difference. Students and members of the community should vote early. Just as we get excited when it’s time for the G-men to take the field, we must be excited about being involved in the political process. We cannot take anything for granted, we must be passionate about participating in the election process.” 

 Jefferson opined on the state of the state. 

“The State of Louisiana has made progress over the last few years, there are still many challenges ahead, but the state is in a better place,” Jefferson said. “Higher education institutions have not had to balance their budgets on the backs of their students. Teachers have received a raise for the first time in many years, those who do not have jobs have been able to receive medical assistance through Medicaid expansion, and we have had a 2 billion deficit turned into a 300 million surplus.”

During last week, we reached out to all the candidates seeking the position of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State, to request a statement regarding their platform.  We were able to speak to some of the candidates via phone, some of the candidates responded via email and for others, their websites and advertisements were utilized to ascertain their platform information.  

Below, are the names of the candidates and their webpages/Facebook pages where their platforms can be located. 


• Ralph Abraham (Republican) (https://abrahamforgovernor.com/)

 • Dr. Oscar Omar Dantzler, Jr. (Democrat) www.facebook.com/Oscar-OMAR-Dantzler-for-Governor-386241135429863

• John Bel Edward (Democrat) (https://johnbelforlouisiana.com/issues/)

• Gary Landrieu (Independent)(https://gogarygovernor.com/)

• Patrick “Live Wire” Landry – Republican (https://www.ourcampaigns.com/CandidateDetail.html?CandidateID=3738

 • Eddie Rispone (Republican) https://www.eddieforgovernor.com/


• Willie Jones (Democrat) www.facebook.com/Elect-Willie-Jones-Lt-Governor-101488774552979

• William “Billy” Nungesser (Republican) https://billynungesser.com/nungesser-in-the-news/


• Kyle Ardoin R (Republicanhttps://www.sos.la.gov/OurOffice/LearnAboutKyleArdoin/Pages/default.aspx

• “Gwen” Collins-Greenup (Democrat) https://www.gwensos.com/

• Thomas J. Kennedy III (Republican) https://kennedy-la.com/my-plan-1

• Amanda “Jennings” Smith (Republican) https://www.amandasmith4lasos.com

REMEMBER TO EARLY VOTE Sept. 28-Oct. 5 (except Sunday Sept. 29.) from 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.  – ELECTION DAY is Oct. 12.