Many students around campus already booked with Sumrall for her nail services. Courtesy photo

Dejah Sumrall. Courtesy photo
Dejah Sumrall is nailing in on her passion for cosmetology while managing her own campus business.
Sumrall is a freshman business marketing major from Mobile, Ala.
“I started doing nails because it was a different hustle from what everyone else was doing,” ” Sumrall said. “I didn’t know many 17 year old, African-American girls doing nails. I decided to take the opportunity to make a business and run with it.”
Sumrall is a self-taught nail technician as she learned from watching video tutorials online.
“I am self taught. I watched this nail tech named Getnailed32 on YouTube,” Sumrall said. “After a while I tried to do nails on myself and eventually on other people.”
Although she is just a freshman her work has already gained attention from many students across campus.
“A lot of people have been coming to me and I am shocked,” Sumrall said. “It’s just a blessing and I can’t wait for everyone to walk around with my art on their hands.”
She does a variety of style nails from simple full sets to glamourous nails decked out with diamonds and different colors.
“My favorite kind of nails to do honestly, freestyle,” Sumrall said. “I just love free styling because it gives me the creative freedom to put my skills to use.”
In the future she plans to turn her nail business into a cosmetology empire.
“I’m definitely going to be doing more than just nails in the future,” Sumrall said. “I will be selling lashes, hair, hand products. I also want to have multiple nail shops in different areas."
Although there are several other nail technicians on campus, Sumrall said she is different because she is patiently perfecting her skill on each customer.
“I would say that my skills are very different than other nail techs because I take my time” Sumrall said.
“Also, it’s easy for me to duplicate something while being creative and making it my own.”
Students interested in getting their nails “nailed” by Sumrall can book with her online.
“I encourage people to book with me through all social media @prinxessdej or prinxessdejnails. My link is in the bio of all my social media,” Sumrall said.