Rickenzie Johnikin
Greetings! I am Rickenzie Leola Johnikin, a senior majoring in the broad field of Mass Communication and a native of Farmerville, La. I have the honor to serve as the 66th Miss Grambling State University.
I would love to give a warm welcome to new and returning students, as well as faculty and staff to THEE Grambling State University.
You are now beginning, and continuing a journey that will be full of sweet and memorable moments. There are so many opportunities here at the university.
I encourage everyone to get involved with different clubs and organizations, mingle and meet new people, build relationships that will last a lifetime and most importantly work hard and put 100 percent in every activity you engage in. Grambling State University is a melting pot, there are so many different cultures, religions, and styles, which bring meaning to our motto “Where everybody is Somebody”.
Take advantage of every blessing and opportunity that is presented to you, build your brand, and take pride in everything you contribute to this university.
I wish you all a prosperous year, and I pray that every experience you have will lead to growth and blessings. God bless and Go Tigers!
Rickenzie Johnikin
66th Miss Grambling