New Miss Cover Girl 2019-2020, Miss Kyriah Alex, junior biology major from Shreveport, La. GSU Media Bureau/Courtesy photo

New Miss Cover Girl 2019-2020, Miss Kyriah Alex, junior biology major from Shreveport, La. GSU Media Bureau/Courtesy photo

2019-2020 Newly elected Miss Cover Girl and winners of each month and category. GSU Media Burea/Courtesy photo
This past week Grambling State University celebrated the 51st annual scholarship pageant.
The pageant was held April 13 in the Fredrick C. Hobdy Assembly Center.
The night was clear and the seats were packing in as the contestants paraded around the stage in a dance number with the schools Orchesis.
“That really piqued the crowd’s interest,” Frank Ram- sey Logan, a freshman, said.
One could say it really set the tone for the entire evening.
The night was themed “A Caribbean Night” with beau-tiful owers strewn across thestage and a hint of tall pinkamingos in between.
The runway was a high
X platform outlined with dimmed lights and a project- ed background drop, that made the audience really feel like they were on a Caribbean island.
The program continued with greetings and introduc- tions from the previous Miss Cover Girl 2018-2019 and President of Favrot Student Union Board. The voices
of the evening were Master
and Mistress of Ceremony, of being on the the cover of
Leon Thomas III and Taylor Stewart.
There were ve judges
in total judging contes-
tants coming from all over the country including Las Vegas all the way back to the southern states of Texas and Louisiana.
There were four catego- ries that the girls were judged on and an interview at the end, which kept the judges and the crowd on the edge of their seats.
These talented young ladies who took the stage, showcased three scenes; day wear, swim suit and formal. Evening wear/Expression ofstyle was de nitely the high– light of the show. Some had on spectacular gowns, a few looked like they should be at a ball and others just looked prom appropriate.
The ve Miss Cover Girlcontestants expressed their talents in musical selectionsand ne art. These contes– tants showed Grambling State University how well rounded and diverse the young ladies are here at GSU.
Because there can only be one Miss Cover girl of the 2019-2020 Academic school year, the winner acquires the highest recognition, a schol- arship and the ultimate prize
the upcoming calendar. “The 51st annual Miss.
Cover Girl Pageant at none other than, The 1901 Gram- bling State University, wasde nitely the highlight of theacademic school year.” Kirk James, one of the escorts, said.
The audience heard therst two runner ups and thesuspense built because those two put on a good talent.
The crowd grew nervous because the next name they called would have scored very high in at least three cate- gories. Nonetheless they all were on their feet.
For your new Miss
Cover Girl Kyriah Alex from Shreveport, Louisiana. She wore a coral, peach-orange strapless dress, with white pearls streamed across her chest and all over the bottom half of the dress.
Also wearing a silver dan- gling necklace, compliment- ing her new crown.
The moment was to much for some, sad for others, but it was a great showcase and performance from everyone.
“I am truly excited for all of the Miss. Cover Girl Contestants and crowned winners, [I] cannot wait for the 52nd Miss. Cover Girl Pageant 2020,” James said.