Orchesis Dance Company during halftime of the 45th annual Bayou Classic. Raven LeDay/The Gramblinite

Martez Carter, now a member of the Saints, during the 2017-2018 Bayou Classic game. Raven LeDay/The Gramblinite
Season tickets are now avail- able for purchase for the upcom- ing 2019-2020 football season.
Students and fans can pur-chase tickets at the ticket of celocated in the AC forum on the campus of Grambling State Uni-versity. Ticket of ce hours areMonday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. and Friday from 7:30 a.m.-11 a.m. Tickets can also be opurchased online at TicketMas- ter.com by searching “Grambling football.”
With approximately 2,600 sea- son ticket holders, this seasons’ sales are expected to increase as fans are excited about this up- coming season.
“Our fans are loyal supporters regardless if were winning or los- ing,” Bridget Jones, who managesthe ticket of ce, said.
Jones insists last year’s Bay- ou Classic loss and the G-Men not making an appearance in the SWAC Championships, will not drastically affect next season’s ticket sales. Emails about tickets sales have been sent out to GSU students, faculty and staff as well as being released on Grambling’s media department of athletics and through Grambling’s local news station, KGRM.
Bayou Classic tickets are also available for purchase. People from states all over the U.S. such as Florida, New York, California and elsewhere have called theschool’s ticket of ce inquiringabout Bayou Classic ticket pur- chases.
“Pretty much anybody famil- iar with the HBCU experience,” Jones said
Bayou Classic is more than a football game.
The annual event is one of the world’s biggest college sports rivalries that hosts the fans and alumni of Grambling State Uni- versity and Southern University to the great city of New Orleans, every Thanksgiving weekend.
A weekend long event con- sisting of a parade, Greek Show,
Battle of the Bands and fan festival, including hot celebrity artists performing in Champion Square, followed by Saturday’s football match-up brings in thousands of spectators from all across the country and even futher away.
However, due to the num- ber of student and fan tickets, along with other arrangements dealing with the football game, student Bayou Classic tickets will not be available for pur- chase until Fall 2019.