The Grambling State University cheer squad celebrates after a competition. Courtesy photo
The 2019-20 GSU cheerleader tryouts are open to any GSU student as well as high school seniors who have been accepted to attend GSU for the fall 2019 semester.
“We hope to get as many students and non-students to come out which is not including the tryout videos that are sent because they can’t make the actual tryout day,” Terry Lilly, GSU’s cheer head coach, said. “Many cheerleaders who were on the team last year know that they have to work really hard in order to stay on the team. Nobody spot is definite on this team because we’re always looking for new talent.”
Many people know Grambling State cheerleaders from the many stunts and pyramids they do throughout the season.
The GSU cheer squad regularly competes at national level competitions.
“We want people that are willing to show and give off a positive image for the university,” Lilly said.
Experience is not necessary for tryouts.
In fact, in the past the majority of the those trying out for the GSU cheerleading squad have to be taught the basics of cheer although some already know the basics due to high school experience.
“Many girls from all over come to Grambling States cheerleading tryouts with the common goal, to be a GSU Cheerleader!” Brittany Miller, a sophomore plans on coming back for another year, said. “Grambling cheerleading is very competitive; I was very blessed to have made the team two years in a row. I was not worried about tryouts until I had injured myself during the previous football season, which made it harder to keep up the same skills I had before. When you go into tryouts you have to show up and show out, because Coach Lilly expects nothing more but the best. From what I have witnessed, you have to set yourself apart from the other girls! Because that’s what coach likes.”
Cheer/Pom Clinics will be held at the men’s gym and will take place through April 16 through April 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. and April 20 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Saturday, April 20 will be the actual tryout day.
The clinics will consist of learning chants, cheers and dances as well as getting to know one another and seeing what majority skills there are to learn. You will also cover small basis of tumbling and stunting which is required for tryouts.
All participants must complete a registration form and bring it completed to tryouts. There will be forms available the day of tryouts. The tryout fee is $10 and is accepted as cash or check only.
Following tryouts the judges will tally up score sheets.
Everyone is promised a fair tryout.
On Sunday, April 21 the team list goes up outside of the men’s gym.
Lilly attempts to keep the list as simple unproblematic as possible by only posting the numbers of each participant that makes the team.