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Increased parking at GSU takes back seat to more pressing needs for now

Have you experienced the struggle of finding a parking spot on campus? 


Whether it be for class, events or simply grabbing a bite to eat, students, faculty and staff alike have all voiced frustrations about looking for an open spot. 


The lack of parking spots on campus is an ongoing issue for those who drive and many have said more parking is at the top of a list of changes they would like to see on campus. 


“There is a need for more parking, there are just a few things that need to be handled first,” GSU President Rick Gallot said in a meeting with The Gramblinite. 


What are the “things that need to be handled first”? The list of campus needs and the wants of students is long. Gallot emphasized it is important to prioritize items to ensure the most pressing issues are tackled in a timely manner before dealing with minor issues. 


For instance, the wifi on campus affects the entire student body and faculty, while the parking issue only applies to those with cars. Thus, for now, wifi improvements tops the list of priorities. 


While Gallot also stated that parking is limited, there are still places to park. 


“We do have parking, it just may not be convenient for you,” Gallot said. “I hope students can appreciate the progressive things happening on campus.”