Do you have any ideas for Spring Fest?
Want to share ideas with the Favrot Student Union Board?
Want to voice your concern about any activities that are going on campus?
Favrot Student Union Board (FSUB) would like to join forces with rest of students of Grambling State University it is an anonymous suggestion box was created for all Grambling students, ones who are in FSUB and ones who aren’t.
“We’re trying to create more resources for students to speak up, give ideas, and voice their opinions,” FSUB President LaJazz Pichon, a senior Mass Communication major, said. “The problem comes in when they don’t utilize the opportunities. I feel it is important that every student’s voice is heard.
“We listen to what’s being brought to us and do our best to incorporate activities that the majority of students will enjoy. I would like to see more students coming to the general body meeting so that they can get a better understanding of FSUB and everything that we do and plan.
“This year we’ve been having great turnouts for the majority of our events but having more students come and participate would be great as well! Pinchon said.
“Also, I would like to see more responses in the suggestion box because most students use Twitter as an outlet to speak on things about FSUB but we won’t necessarily see everything but with the suggestion box, we can thoroughly review each comment made.”
The suggestion box can be found on FSUB’s Instagram and Twitter.
Please be free to follow us at @whatsupwithfsub
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