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Study Abroad gives students the opportunity to travel, obtain cultural knowledge and meet new friends. Grambling State University is now offering access to this three-week class.
Those enrolled get the opportunity to travel on a 10-day itinerary to Italy — Venice, Florence and Rome.
This journey will be led by Roshunda Belton, a professor here at Grambling State University. Belton says this year’s result will be used in determining whether to plan more trips for the future.
“This is my second time taking a group of kids to study abroad and I love it,” Belton said. “Five years from now, I already know where I want to go.”
Greta Carter, who works as the communication and marketing specialist at GSU, will be accompanying her as well.
Anyone interested in enrolling should contact Belton as soon as possible. The class starts on May 6 and ends on May 27. This can be done through the registrar office. If you enroll in the class, that automatically enlists you to go on the trip. Failure to attend the trip will result in a failing grade in the class.
So here’s what you’ll need to know:
ν The trip includes round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations, transportation, end-to-end support, expert local guides, full-time tour director, guided sightseeing, Entrance passes, and Regional-style meals.
ν The price for the trip varies depending on your age.
If you’re between the ages 18-29 then the price of the trip costs $3,815.
ν If you’re within the ages 30 and up, then the price of the trip would be $4,135.
ν If you plan on going, there is a $100 enrollment fee to secure your spot.
Also the price for the trip goes up the longer you wait to enroll.
ν Adults or nonstudents can enroll through continuingeducation.com if they wish to join the trip as well.
ν You are to have your own valid passport that will still be valid six months after returning back to The United States.
You can enroll through the registrar’s office. You also can enroll by phone at 1-877-485-4184 or online at EFCST.com/2153161AJ.
You’re also responsible for your own spending money. The recommended amount is between $500-$1000.
For more information, contact Belton at BeltonR@gram.edu or 318-274-2256, or visit her office in Room 325 Charles P. Adams Hall.