Jade Boykins
My story has always been different. I’ve never been the “traditional” type of person with anything. I’ve always done things my way, when I want and how I want. So graduating college was never on my agenda because going to college wasn’t a part of my plan after high school. So it still amazes me that after sitting out for a year, overcoming a traumatic situation and three schools later that I’m about to graduate and still accomplished it in four years with only owing Mohela $35,000!
From homework to headaches, I can finally say I’m done.
Who would have thought that a girl like me from the rough streets of Southwest Atlanta would have come so far?! I must thank The Lord for bringing me this far because even at my lowest, He still loved me, guided me, gave me strength and never left my side, especially during my tough journey here at Gram.
I’m blessed to come from an amazing supportive family as well. Big shout out to one of my biggest fans, my mommy. She played a tremendous role in my life and especially my college career. I will never forget how she left me her last $20 when she dropped me off and I can’t wait to flip that $20 into $20,000 as soon as I walk that stage.
Talking to me when I needed an ear, letting me cry when I needed a shoulder, talking me out of catching multiple charges [you know how Gram can be sometimes] and I could literally write a book about the rest. Thank you for your continuous support, mommy, and I can’t wait to pay you back.
Almost four years after a nasty breakup, I never would have thought that I would have married my high school sweetheart and especially not in college, but we did it and we did it our way – completely non-traditional! I can’t wait until we really tackle this thing called life after Dec. 14. I am so grateful for my husband who has gone above and beyond for me with no questions asked. Babe, I love you and I thank God for you each and every day!
Also, I must highlight my Booboo [grandma] who has literally been my go-to person since I was running away from whoopings when I was little. Thank you for always keeping me positive, my head clear and raised high. Jack-Jack [my godmother] who’s treated me as one of her own since I first stepped foot in her daycare. Thank you for your endless love, prayer and support. I can’t wait to take care of you both when I really get to this shmoney!
To my sister, in-laws, friends, and supporters thank you all so much for your continuous support, love and prayers. It never goes unnoticed and I appreciate everything you all have done for me.
To Ms. Juanita Bobo, thank you so much for helping me find ME again. Never in a million years did I think a nervous breakdown my freshmen year would leave me in a therapist chair every week, but I can honestly say that these last three years in Ms. Bobo’s office were amazing! She really helped me get out of a dark place and is just a phone call away still to this day.
Thank you to Dr. Ford-Dunn, you were the one reason I’ve been so active on campus. Your hard work and dedication never go unnoticed. My first semester here you took me in and walked me down the halls of Washington-Johnson Complex to meet everyone. It was then that I first met Ms. Dunn, who literally took me under her wing. All I wanted to do was learn how to perfect my writing and the next thing I know I became the editor-in-chief. You sat with me, worked with me and had made me who I am today as a journalist. You came back to help me endless times and I am forever grateful for that. You two ladies are the real Grambling gems!
Ms. Peters, Dr. Frazier, Mr. Black, Dr. Laleh, Ms. Evans, Charlston, Dr. Lee and Mr. Richardson, thank you for all that you have done and taught me!
Even though this has been an interesting experience, I now know why they say, “pressure makes diamonds.”