Dr. Lalehparvaran in front of Nelson Mandela University.
Dr. Parvin Lalehparvaran, a professor in GSU’s Department of Mass Communication Department, has been invited to travel across the world to present her research at different forums and universities.
Lalehparavan recently travelled to China from May to mid June. She presented her research on fear and anxiety connected to the Trump Administration at the US-China International Research Forum. Lalehparvaran was invited to speak at Guangxi Normal University in Guilin, China University and Berlin University in Berlin, Germany.
Lalehparvaran received a Certificate of Recognition for her hard work and her superb presentation in representing Guangxi Normal University and the NAAAS & Affiliates at the 2018 research forum. Her presentation will be published in the February 2019.
Lalehparavan recently wrote another paper called “Debunking the Rumor: A Review of Veracity” and was invited to attend a conference at Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The conference theme was “Being human in the 21st Century.”
“There’s a lot of fear with what’s going on in politics today, especially with Trump’s administration,” Lalehparavan said. “Not only is the fear just in the United States but also all over the world.”
Her trip to South Africa was a life changing event after meeting Nelson Mandela’s ex-wife and also met Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s niece.
“I had never heard of Gandhi in relation to South Africa,” Lalehparavan said. “I’ve always read, researched and heard of Gandhi in relation to India. I was telling his niece that my father taught me about Gandhi and how to always believe in God. She was so impressed that she took me to the birthplace of Gandhi, the school he went to, the compound that belonged to his family, the place he was married in, etc. She also invited me to her home to meet the rest of his family.”
While in South Africa she was invited to partner with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Paris. The UNESCO project declared its purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the rule of law and human rights with fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the United Nations Charter.
Lalehparavan has also been invited to present her paper on “The Battle of News” which was a comparison between traditional journalists and digital journalists in Singapore. She is currently working on a paper on the psychological impact of politics on the global public opinion based on the minority fear of the country.