The members of the President’s Student Leadership Initiative have created a new tradition which they hope to maintain for years to come.
The organization is a leadership development program focused on improving study skills and personal development and receiving necessary preparation for a successful college and professional career. SLI week was created to garner positive attention to the organization, while simultaneously becoming closer with the members of the organization.
“My biggest influence would be the bonding opportunity. You don’t have to go off campus just to bond and get to know each other or get to know your campus. I wanted that aspect that we and other organizations are family. We just love what we do,” said Makayla Hill. Hill, 20, is a junior majoring in history and political science from Dallas, and she is also the president of SLI.
The week kicked off on Monday with a relationship seminar titled, “The Naked Truth”. This panel discussed toxic relationships, and members of the audience had a chance to ask about personal situations. One member of the panel felt compelled to share her story so no other student would suffer like she did. Ms. Tundra Turner, a counselor for GSU students, informed the audience of what a toxic relationship may consist of, and what to do if you are in one.
On Tuesday, SLI members participated in a cafeteria clean up. That evening, the members enjoyed each other at the game night hosted in the game room in the Tiger Express.
Rickenzie Johnikin, 20, is a junior majoring in mass communication from Farmerville, La., and she felt the positive energy between everyone in her organization. “I felt positive vibes [at game night] as soon as I walked in and it seemed like everyone was having fun.”
At the beginning of the academic year, SLI members usually endure a slideshow of how to dress appropriately for each type of event. This year, the executive board decided to make things more exciting for SLI members by co-hosting a fashion show with Strut LA. The models displayed what to wear and not to wear for convocation, business casual, and business professional.
On Thursday, SLI teamed up with student Coca-Cola representatives on the yard to host a fundraiser. While the representatives handed out free Coke floats, members of SLI were right next to them getting pied in the face for a fundraiser.
Joshua Burley, 21, is a junior majoring in mass communication from Corinth, Texas. Burley is also a member of SLI who was looking forward to the event on the yard. “I loved “Pie a SLI” because it puts us out there as more than just a bunch of students going around with yellow blazers. It shows that we are humbled enough to get dirty for a good cause.”
That evening, SLI welcomed its newest members to the organization at the induction ceremony. Jamariae Davis-Miller and Adarian Williams were the mister and mistress of ceremony, and Dr. David Aubrey was the speaker. The new members were sworn in with an SLI pin by President Richard Gallot, Jr. and Mrs. Beverly Hercules, SLI’s advisor.
Students in SLI are determined to make the school year as prosperous and fun for its members as a whole, while also broadcasting their name to the general public.