Make your vote count, GSU track star needs support
Morgan Simon, a former Grambling State University track star, is a finalist to become a Houston Texans cheerleader.
The finalists now go to a fan vote. To vote for Simon go to and put “Morgan S.” You can vote once a day until Monday, April 25.
NABA organization to sponsor annual banquet on April 22
The NABA will host its annual banquet on Friday, April 22 at 6 p.m. in the President Dinning Hall. Tickets are $10 for students and $20 for non-students. We also accept donations.
The organization hopes to raise funds to sponsor students to this year’s NABA Regional conference in Houston.
The Office of Retention releases student subject tutorial schedule
The Grambling State University Office of Retention has announced its tutorial schedule. Tutorials for biology 103, 104, 113 and 114, for chemistry 111 and English 101 and 102 will be held until April 29.
For more information contact Jessica Wright at 318-274-2095, Cathy Douglas at 318-274-2200 and Jeanette Moss at 318-274-6127 or retention@gram .edu, Instagram: @Grambling_Retention or Twitter: @GSURetention.
Student Counseling Wellness Group to end Tuesday, May 3
The Student Counseling and Wellness Resource Center will host the “E.M.P.H.A.S.I.S.” Empowerment Group sessions until May 3.
Wellness Group sessions are held every Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the “Tiger Room” of the Student Counseling Center. Because space is limited to 12 students per session, they are encouraged to reserve a spot.
Topics left will include, The Change Starts With Me (Gibson) April 26 and My Voice My Decision From This Day Forward (Everyone for Final Group) May 3.
For more information, call the center at 318-274-3277.
Mathematics tutorial clinic open to all Grambling State students
The Quality Enhancement Plan at Grambling State University has kicked off its Mathematics Clinic. The clinic will be available Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in Carver Hall, Room 136 until April 28.
The Mathematics Clinic is an opportunity for students to receive individual assistance from faculty outside the classroom. Students registered in MATH147 (Pre-calculus I) and MATH148 (Pre-calculus II) are required to attend the clinics.
For more information, contact Shakira Hardison in Carver Hall, Room 137 or by e-mail at
Department of Curriculum and Instruction to hold Praxis core
The Grambling State University Department of Curriculum & Instruction will offer the Praxis Core/PLT study sessions remaining schedule.
The next session is Tuesday, April 26. All sessions will be held in Charles P. Adams Room 216 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
For more information contact Melanie Monroe at (318) 274-3702 or
Student Government Association announces schedule for meetings
The Grambling State University Student Government Association officials are encouraging students to attend the monthly general student body meeting. The next general student body meetings are set for Thursday, April 21. All meetings are held in the Favrot Student Union Theater at 6 p.m.
The meetings are open not only to students, but faculty and administration as well. For additional information or concerns contact Jonathan Wallace at 318-303-2927.
Get your 2016 Grambling State football season tickets now!
The 2016 Football Season is fast approaching. Get your Season Tickets now. Faculty and Staff may buy tickets through the Payroll Deduction Plan.
Call the Ticket Office (ext. 2625) to make your arrangements and then come by the office and sign your payroll Deduction Form.
You may begin paying for your tickets in April on a monthly or bi-weekly plan. All season tickets should be paid for in full by the end of October.
Please note that you may also include your reserved parking (if you had it last year) as well as your Bayou Classic tickets.
Reserved tickets (chairs with backs) are $72 plus a $4 set up fee for a total of $76 each and General Admission is $64 plus a $4 set up fee for a total of $68 each.
GSU Orchesis to be featrured in ‘Dance His High Praise 9’
Extensions of Excellence Performing Arts Inc. will present Dance His High Praise 9 featuring the Orchesis Dance Company from Grambling State University. Other performances will be done by Christian Dance Center, and Louisiana Dance Theater both of Shreveport, Louisiana.
This spiritual ballet is under the direction of Diane Maroney-Grigsby. This is the ninth year that the Orchesis Dance Company will be presented at the Historic Strand Theater. The recital will be held April 30 at 7 p.m. Admission is $20. You may reserve your ticket by calling the Strand Theater box office at (318) 226-8555.
This year the dance Company will pay tribute to the late Mrs. Doris Mott Robinson, who was the wife of legendary Coach Eddie Robinson.
Once again Extensions of Excellence Performing Arts Inc. will award a two thousand dollar scholarship to a deserving high school student to minor in the arts with a concentration in dance to attend Grambling State University. The scholarship is named in memory of Helen Horton who was a 1959 graduate of Grambling State University.
Save the date
Class of 1966 will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary Class Reunion on May 8-9, 2016
If you are a member of the Class of 1966, please contact the Office of Alumni Affairs 318-274-6265 or 318-274-6008 or
Career Services
If you need to do spring cleaning, the Office of Career Services needs your help.
HOW: By Donating Gently Used Professional Wear
(Shoes, suits, dresses, jewelry, and shirts, for males and females.)
The center will be collecting all sizes until Tuesday, May 31.
Northern Exposure to be held in Baton Rouge
Grambling State Representatives may attend Northern Exposure Tuesday, May 3 – Louisiana State Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Registration $75 per person – after April 29 deadline, $85 per person.
Those attending must remember to be registered if you plan to attend any part of the day, regardless of whether you ride the bus or drive to Baton Rouge.
Space on the bus is limited, so register early!
For additional information, please contact Daphne at (318) 807-4018 or