Election week at Grambling State University is one of character and where all of the stops are pulled out to showcase and spread candidates’ name around campus. From parades to dorm walks, candidates and their campaign teams are put to the test to ensure that their names are called as the winners.
The amount of time and effort is grueling, but the satisfaction of reaching your personal goal is more gratifying, and some say that’s why candidates put themselves through it.

Astra Watts
“I can thank no one put God,” states Astra Watts, a junior biology major from New Orleans, and newly elected Miss Grambling State University. “This feeling is one that I can’t put into words, and I would like to thank EVERYONE that encouraged and supporting me. Even when I doubted myself, you guys remained in my corner, and I am so thankful for that.”
The first round of events began with the parade and the queen’s showcase. The student body gathered around and watched candidates showcase their theme for their campaigns. The parade started at the Conrad Hutchinson Jr. Performing Arts Center, and ended on Main Street. Candidates played music and displayed their themes for all to see, throwing candy vowing for their peers’ vote.
The parade was followed by the queen’s showcase. This is where the candidates were officially announced and campaigning started immediately after.
Instagram was filled with candidate’s campaign fliers and themes. Instagram was set on fire with Astra Watt’s theme of “Let’s Ignite a Fire”; sent back to the yellow brick road with Miss Senior Elect, LaSadie Dixon’s theme of “There’s no Place Like Home”; and “Making Power Moves and No Noise” was the theme of SGA President Elect, Michael Meadows (this is just to name a few).
“The Wizard of Oz was one of my favorite movies growing up, and I wanted to imitate the theme for my campaign,” stated LaSadie Dixon, a junior education major from Baton Rouge, and newly elected Miss Senior. “When I heard my name announced as the winner I instantly broke down in tears. I was so happy, I knew at this moment that all of my sacrifices where worth it, and I can thank no one but God for this amazing opportunity.”
Campaign week ended with a bang this year. The quad was the location of choice and where the last full day of campaigning took place. Students came out to grab a variety of foods; everything from crawfish to charbroiled oysters were on the menu. Candidates took this time to walk around and personally introduce themselves to people. They listened to their needs and expressed how they could make a change.
“Running a clean race that was for the student body and within the favor of God was my main goal and priority during election week,” stated Michael Meadows, a senior business management and economics major from Tallulah, Louisiana.
“My campaign showed my peers how serious I was about my elected position. I thank the student body for having faith in me, and I pray that I live up to their expectations as their SGA President next year.”