Grambling State University’s own Lyrical Quest, a group of artistic individuals, held an Open Mic Night on Nov. 12. Open Mic Night was hosted by Lyrical Quest member, “Lil Shreveport”, and DJ D. Watts helped with the tunes.
The group is very family-orientated. They all seem to just vibe with one another so well.

Courtesy photo
A Lyrical Quest member shows off her talent. Lyrical Quest’s last show of the semester will be held Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. in Grambling
Hall Auditorium.
“What keeps the group together is our equal love for the arts,” said member Devin Virgil.
The event was open to the public. Many members of Lyrical Quest performed, but it was surprising to see locals and students from Louisiana Tech University perform as well.
Torey Trix, a Tech bulldog, performed a poem called “10 Seconds.” The poem was about a real life experience she had with her friends. It encouraged people not to drive while under the influence. It was very candid and opened up the audience’s eyes with her use of words. The many people that performed were extremely gifted.
Junior biology major Devin Virgil from Tallulah, mixed and covered three different songs together for his performance – two songs by country singer Sam Hunt (“Speakers”) and “Take Your Time”) and one by Ariana Grande (Honeymoon Avenue).
“I choose these three songs because I really like them. I listen to them on a regular basis and learned how to play them,” said Virgil. The crowd seemed to be blown away by the many talented performances.
Jalen Ward, a senior marketing/management major from Lafayette said, “This was my first LQ event, but most certainly not my last. My favorite performance was GramFam’s very own Cierra Booker.”
Ward enjoyed her great vibes and positive energy during her performance.
LQ member Cierra Booker a junior sociology major from New Orleans performed a cover of “Here” by Alessa Cara. Booker. “I choose that song because I can relate to what is being said. I can put myself inside of her song and make it my own because I was there before.” The song expresses how one could feel totally alone in a room filled with people. A huge fan of LQ, Jasmine Butler a senior criminal justice major from New Orleans said, “I love the Lyrical Quest shows and the people that perform. They are such positive people with great talents.”
All that attended the event where very engaged by the performances and seemed to have enjoyed the event. Grambling has a great deal of unknown talent.
Lyrical Quest hopes to see everyone in attendance to their last event of the semester. It will be held on Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. in Grambling Hall’s Auditorium.