The Grambling State University’s cross-country track team brought home another trophy by winning the 2015 Cross Country Championship.
Leading the race was Hassan Chepkwony, one athlete whose mind is so far in the race for Grambling State you might get left behind.
“I wanted GramFam to know that we are Grambling and we’re doing something that they can be proud of,” said Chepkwony. “To let them know that we represent them very well in and outside of Grambling.”
The mission was to listen to the coaches and emphasize on teamwork. They have been training thoroughly from the start.
“Our coaches trained us on how to deal with on your mind on and off the field. The main reason for our success is because the team listens to what the coaches say,” Chepkwony said.
One of the teammates, Montico Harris who placed 4th said Hassan’s ability to run does stand out, but what separates him from others is that he doesn’t complain about things like practice and what most may complain about.
No one is complaining about the first place trophy Chepkwony brought home by the freshman from Eldoret, Kenya.
Chepkwony finished in 25.55, which he said is not to be his fastest. “I felt that I was running my best. If I had someone running faster than me or in front of me during the race I believe I would have ran faster. This is one of the biggest accomplishments I’ve achieved in my life,” he said.
Chepkwony felt great that he is starting and leaving a legacy at Grambling State University saying, “ It feels good to have gramfam cheering us on, says the 1st placemen.”

Courtesy photo
Members of the GSU cross-country team proudly display their championship trophy at Saturday’s football game.
He plans to study and continue training right now, his studies are just as important as him running.
“My dad can’t believe I’m winning, and he ask me is it true? He tells me he is proud and to keep training a studying. This school year is getting real and good for me.”
His social level is very high and thriving. Even student athletes from other schools congratulate him social media, Instagram (hassankip) and Twitter (hashacole). Chepkwony said this has to be one of the best choices he has made in his life, from getting his education to meeting, traveling, and seeing new people.
Chepkwony believes the key to reaching triumphant goals like winning the SWAC Championship is motivation and determination.
“When I train in Kenya and in life I’m pushing for myself, GramFam, the team, coaches and family. These are the people I treasure the most, “says the Kenyan native. “This is how I was able to deliver the SWAC Championship to my school. Because I didn’t want to let a single one of them down.”
Chepkwony makes a serendipitous plan to stay focused and disciplined.
“Life is a process and I want to carry on this process. I want to be someone dependable for Grambling, my family and society,” he said. Even after winning the race he still went back to cheer his team on.