
Alumni show they have still got it at annual Yard show

The Friday of Homecoming Week, the alumni greek yard show was held in the Men’s Gym. All of the Divine 9 was in attendance except for Sigma Gamma Rho. The show was supposed to start at 2 p.m., but Grambling — doing what they do best — got the show started a little after 2:30. It was apparent that the crowd’s spirits were down because of the gloomy weather.

The DJ called the alumni ladies of Delta Sigma Theta to the floor first and there is hardly a reaction from the crowd. The ladies began strolling to the song Laffy Taffy. As there strolls came to an end it is sad to say that along with the stale audience The Deltas brought no energy.

Next up were the men of Omega Psi Phi. The men brought energy with their hops and spins but still could not get energy out of the crowd. The Dj continued to call out the audience and said, “I don’t know if it is the rain or not.” You practically had to pull the audiences legs to get a hoot and holler.

Though the weather was gloomy not everyone’s spirits were down. Jhustyn Williams, Iota brother and alumni expressed he had a great time, “The yard show was a lot of fun, it was great to see some of my old friends strutting with their organizations. It was a fun opportunity for me to try and keep up with my younger brothers.”

As 3:30 approached The AKAs ended the yard show and were the most energetic along with KKPsi. The crowd got up and left to prepare themselves for a rainy Friday night and Erykah Badu.