
GHS participates in Louisiana Application Day

Grambling High School received a LOSFA grant this year. Every October, the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance collaborates with key education partners in the State of Louisiana to sponsor College Application Month.

It is a national initiative by the American College Application Campaign to increase the number of first generation and low income students to pursue a postsecondary education. 

The purpose is to help high school seniors navigate the college admission process and to ensure each student submits at least one college admissions application.

On Oct. 13 LOSFA representatives guided seniors at GHS in filling out applications and application fee waivers for students.

“It was really nice to have help with the college application. I completed an application to Louisiana State University and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.  Each application cost $20, so it was nice having the financial help from LOSFA because my senior year has been very expensive so far,” said Mercedes Swift, a GHS senior from Homer, Louisiana.  

The LOSFA Outreach program will return to Grambling High School to assist students with their FASFA applications when the time approaches.

“The LOSFA Outreach Program has been wonderful for our students.  It’s so nice to have assistance in guiding our seniors as they become ready for the next phase of their education,” said Melanie Colvin, senior class sponsor.