When the Deltas Sigma Theta sisters and the Alpha Kappa Alpha sisters came together, most students found it shocking.
Who would have thought that this would happen?

Deltas Sigma Theta sisters and the Alpha Kappa Alpha sisters come together
The ladies held a helpful event that was meant to empower ladies all across the campus. The sororities’ main goal was to touch many hearts so at least one person would leave the event knowing they are worth it.
A representative from each sorority spoke on what she personally had to overcome in her own life.
It seemed that all the young ladies went into the event just trying to see what it was going to be about, but left touched and changed.
The message of the night was to urge the young ladies in attendance how to think of themselves first.
A game called “Cross the Line” was played. The purpose was to gain confidence because it is normal to go through difficult situations in life.
If Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha Kappa Alpha ever do another event together, it is an event that should not be missed.
When women come together and reach out to other young ladies it is a good opportunity to learn.
Paige Johnson (AKA) and Micayla Mason (DST) both spoke on how they have been wanting to do an event together and how they all agreed. When their presidents finally met, the ladies were able to do an event together.
DST and AKA are not really beefing, Johnson said, noting that some are best friends with each other from different sororities.
Mason talked about the benefit of the event, saying that “Women Empowerment” was helpful.
Johnson noted that during any such event women should lift each other up instead of putting each other down.
Both Johnson and Mason said they are looking forward to doing more events together, but because of their busy schedules they may be able to do it only once a year.