Grambling State University Laboratory launches virtual school.
Virtual schooling is a program where students can enroll online from home and complete courses within the K through 12 curriculum.
Gordan Ford, president of the Grambling High Foundation, said, “The virtual school will increase enrollment to at least 100 students over last year due primarily to the virtual school, increase funding because of the additional students, and increase diversity because we’re able to reach out across the state of Louisiana.”

JORDAN WYNN/Courtesy photo
Grambling State University Laboratory High School strives to improve its enrollment.
With the help of Fuel Education (FuelEd), a learning program designed to deliver the K -12 curriculum, student outcomes should improve.
According to Ford, as of last 46 students are currently enrolled in the program and 124 applications are being processed.
“It turns out that students that are currently enrolled have strong academic records. This will certainly help to improve our test scores and academics,” Ford said.
Grambling Laboratory High School students are excited about the virtual school.
Mercedes Switt, a 12th grader, from Homer, said that she thinks it is a good program for students to improve their grades. “Students will have less distractions, free from bullying, and it is a good program for shy people.”
Ford hopes that once the program is up and running students will want to participate in events such as attending convocations and traveling to Sci-Port along with Grambling Lab students to help them gain outside exposure. Students also have the option of participating in extracurricular activities such as the swim team. After completing the virtual school requirements for graduation, students will have an opportunity to participate in the commencement ceremony.
When asked about standardized testing, Ford explained that iLeap and EOC are just a snapshot of the standardized tests that Grambling Lab students are required to take. “Students enrolled in the virtual learning program will still be required to take these exams. Depending on where they live, the goal is to have students travel no more than an hour to a school to complete their standardized test.”
Fabian Carter-Randle, an 11th grader, from Grambling, said “It’s a good program because students will have less pressure and they can really take their time and do their work.
The Grambling Laboratory virtual program is currently accepting applications until September 27th. October 1st is the state’s deadline. To be considered for the virtual school students will need to verify a proof of age, a proof of guardianship, a proof of residency, and immunization. Students in grades K-9th must show latest report card, and grades 10th – 12th must provide a transcript.
For more information, a complete list of the requirements for enrollment and applications interested parents and students may go to the school’s website at