

Favrot Student Union Board releases upcoming activities

The Favrot Student Union Board has released a number of activities for September. Activities will include the Coronation of Miss Grambling State University Joiya Smith will be held tonight at 7 p.m. in the T. H. Harris Auditorium. The theme will be Krewe of Tigers and the attire required is semi-formal.

An Organizational Fair at 11:30 a.m. on the Yard Tuesday, Sept. 22. Organizations should contact Khadijah Freeman at by Friday, Sept. 19 to sign up. On Sept. 23 an Empire Watch Party at 8 p.m. in the Student Union Theatre and on Sept. 24 Speed Dating at 6 p.m. in the Black & Gold Room.

Sept. 25-27 a Student Spectator Bus to the State Fair Classic – Dallas will be available for $150 – price includes one night hotel stay, transportation, and game ticket. The deadline to pay is Sept. 22 or until filled – Must be a registered student with no judicial record in the past year. – If paying with cash, credit/debit card you must pay at the cashier’s window located in Long-Jones Hall. – If paying with G-Flex pay at the Tiger 1 Card office located in Long-Jones Hall. – You must bring your receipt to office 215 in the union to officially sign up. – Seats limited.


SCWRC to hold empowerment session Thursday, September 24

Student organizations, leaders and mentors are invited to join the Grambling Student Counseling and Wellness Resource Center (SCWRC) for a Leadership Safety and Empowerment Session. The session will be held Thursday, Sept. 24 at the Betty Smith Nursing Auditorium from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

The subject is Building Healthy and Strong Student Leaders. The SCWRC is centering around the theme Planting Seeds to Help You Grow. The program is funded by Title III.


Grambling State alumni relations in search of reunion classes

During 2015 Homecoming weekend Oct. 23-24 the Office of Alumni Relations at Grambling State University has planned special events for classes to reunite and reminisce on their days at dear ole Grambling!

It’s Class Reunion time for the classes of 1975 (40 years), 1980 (35 years), 1985 (30 years), 1990 (25 years) and 1995 (20 years)! Where are they and can they make it to the GSU homecoming activities?

The office members are now soliciting a person of each class to join the Tiger Class Agent Network to assist in contacting class members.

If you are interested in assisting, please complete the application found on the alumni site:

To view the events and registration form for your class reunion, please go to

The Office of Alumni Relations is also looking for the Class of 1966. 

In May of 2016, the Class of 1966 will celebrate their 50th anniversary class reunion! The office is gathering contact information for all 1966 graduates. 

If you are or know a member of the Class of 1966, please provide their contact information to the alumni relations office – by emailing:  or by calling either 318-274-6265 or 318-274-6008.


American Legion Post 593 to honor three classes of women

  The Ludley-McCall Williams American Legion Post 593 Women’s Auxiliary will celebrate three classes of women on Saturday, Sept. 19 at 3 p.m. at the Mt. Zion Church Fellowship Hall.

There will be 15 exemplary women who are jewels in the community from the year 2012, 2013 and 2014. The women according to years include Louise Townsend, Dr. Swedie Rutledge, Eula Woodard, Annie Brown, Hazel Douglas, Robertine Malone, Essie Howard and Valena Lane.

For the year of 2013 – Ester Ballard-Sullivan, Lenora Minniefield-Miller, Dorothy Alexander and Dr. Grace Tatum. The women for 2014 are Rosie Hicks Hodge, Dr. Phyllis Mason and Thelma Smith Williams.


Lewis Temple CME Church to host ‘We Care’ packet give away

The Lewis Temple CME Church of Grambling will hold its “We Care” care packet give away Sunday, Sept. 20 after service. The church is located at 301 Main St. in the downtown across from Collegiate Shoppe.

All college students are encouraged to attend worship service which will begin at 10:30 a.m. and following the service the care packets will be given to all students enrolled in college.

The church will be the host of family and surrounding churches, color craft studios on Saturday, Oct. 17. To get your $5 coupon for an opportunity to take family, group or single portraits call the church at 247-3793, Lizzie White 247-6681, Leon Smith 247-6151 or Charlesetta Young 247-3730.


Christ Temple Church to host annual homecoming, revival

Christ Temple Baptist Church of Ruston will hold its annual homecoming Sunday, Sept. 20 at 10:45 a.m.  There will be dinner served on the grounds.

The theme will be “Word” from II Tim. 4:3-4. The revival will kick off Sept. 21 until Sept. 23 at 7 nightly. The guest evangelist will be Brandon Collins, pastor of Older Border Baptist Church in Waskom, Texas.

Rev. D.J. Lanier, pastor/teacher and the members of the church encourage all area communities to come out and share in the services.