This past weekend, many gathered to remember Katrina in New Orleans for a traditional “second line”. Not only were people connected physically but social media was buzzing with stories as well. The hash tag “#Katrina10” was used by people telling their Katrina stories or just giving thanks for how far the city as come.
Although Katrina seemed so long ago, the city still struggles in certain areas. Most people lost houses, cars, even family members.
This filled the city with much anger and hostility. It is part of the reason our crime rate is rocketing daily.

Devonta Sonnier
Mixing people together that have nothing to lose is deadly. Katrina opened lots of people’s eyes and showed the city of New Orleans true colors. But I cannot stress enough, if it was not for that tragic storm I would not be the person I am today. Because of Katrina, I am now more humble and cautious. I see that the worst things can happen to anybody. New Orleans is one of the strongest cities around, and no matter how the cards shuffle it’ll always be in our favor.
Only true New Orleanians can accept failure and do everything in their strength to make things better for themselves and the entire city.
I am proud to be from a city so great and thankful that it’s moving in a positive direction.
Devonta Sonnier is a senior mass communication major from New Orleans.