
Resolutions: to make or not to make?

Well here we are in a brand new year, 2015! We made it through the ups and downs that 2014 threw at us and here we stand in a new year with new opportunities, and everyone’s favorite tradition, New Year’s resolutions.

No doubt you’ve already been asked that famous question: “What’s your New Year’s resolution?”  According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, fewer than half of us even made resolutions this year.

Of the ones who did, only 75 percent of us will still keep that resolution after the first week of the year, and come June, only 38 percent will have maintained their resolution.

This research institute also listed the top five resolutions: lose weight, get organized, spend less and save more, enjoy life to the fullest, and stay healthy.
If you made a resolution for 2015, odds are you made one of those five, but how many of you have already fallen off? I believe many people fail to realize that they themselves either make or break their New Year’s resolution. A personal trainer may help you while you try to get in shape, but it’s your fault if you have a soda, bag of chips and a Panda Bowl that night.

Making a commitment to change something about yourself takes discipline, and if you lack the ability to tell yourself no, then you might as well ask your resolution to take a seat for 2015 and try again next year. But, this doesn’t just apply to weight loss. Saving more money, enjoying life more, being organized, and maintaining health all take discipline.

Now I know what you’re thinking: “I don’t need discipline to enjoy life to the fullest.” You couldn’t be more wrong. For example, if you don’t have the discipline to get up and go to class now, I doubt you’ll enjoy your life on academic probation later, I’m just saying.

So how do you keep a resolution? First, if you know you’re not a resolution person, don’t make a resolution! It’s really that simple. It saves your brain the hassle of making something up that you don’t even plan on following through. Instead set some short-term goals for yourself that revolve around things you know you can improve on.

If you are the resolution type, make a resolution that fits you. Don’t follow clichés or tell people what they want to hear. Be honest with yourself and evaluate your life and who you are. Think about what you can do to genuinely be a better you. One thing you should always remember is that making a resolution is just a fancy way of saying you are going to solve a problem.

If your issue is procrastination, then make that the problem you want to solve. Ending world hunger does not have to be your resolution. Am I exaggerating? Yes, but you get the picture.

I’m not saying don’t shoot for the stars, but they are much easier to reach when you know who you are and what you want from life. The end result should be a much happier new year.