
Student hosts senior recital


 Baldwin Louis, a Brooklyn, New York native, wears several different hats at Grambling State University. On Monday during his senior recital, he wore one hat that many students on campus may be unfamiliar with.

 However, the aspiring music and vocalist teacher was never fond of singing at first. Eighteen years ago, Louis joined the choir  upon his mother’s request. Growing up in a household with Haitian traditional values, saying no was not an option.

 Over the years, the music major realized that he had a talent in singing and even excelled in a talent show competition. When Baldwin attended Osborne High School in Marietta, Ga., he was the only student who was allowed to participate in the choir, band and orchestra. 

 ”They haven’t let any (student) after me because they can’t handle the busy load,” said Louis. 

 During his Senior Recital, Louis performed 10 songs that showcased his ability to sing music from Baroque to the 21st century. One song that took the audience by surprise was “Stand Still Jordan” by H.T. Burleigh. 

At the recital, the audience’s reaction to Louis’ voice seemed as they were taken away by his craft. Some didn’t realize how talented he was at singing or that he could sing at all. Louis said that several people have commented on his ability to harmonize his voice with anything.  

 ”In high school we had to create our own one page sheet of music and it had to have at least six parts,” said Louis. “I asked if I could have nine parts and I got a 105 on the assignment.”

 Because of his impressive work, the teacher let Louis teach the class for a day.

“Til this day my choir mmebers will tell me (that) I am always harmonizing something,” said Louis. “I found my other love.”

 Outside of singing and wearing a black and white tuxedo at a recital, Louis is involved with several other extracurricular activities and organizations on campus. 

 Since 2009, he has been a member if Grambling State University’s nationally ranked cheerleading team. When he first arrived at Grambling, Louis was a member of the World Famed Tiger Marching Band. He is also a member of the Epsilon Delta Chapter of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated.

After graduating this May, Louis plans to attend graduate school at Georgia State University where he will study music education and choral conducting.