In honor of “Woman’s History Month,” the Department of Criminal Justice will hold its annual “Celebrating Woman in History Program” on Tuesday, April 8 at 11 a.m. in the Betty E. Smith School of Nursing Auditorium.
“Success is a formula, not a fantasy. I want them to learn that the females role in life is equally as important as the males roll in life,” said Reller Jones, criminal justice and FYE professor. “We all have contributions to make in this world.”
The speaker for the program will be Tari Bradford, a native of Shreveport who graduated from Southern University in 1985, with a Bachelors of Science degree in business management. In 1986 she received her Masters of Education in mass communications with emphases in public relations.
She taught mass communications at Southern after receiving her masters. After returning to Shreveport she accepted a position as senor information specialist with Shreveport Parks and Recreations now known as Shreveport Parks and Assembly. Currently she serves as the Deputy State Director for United States Senator Mary Landrieu and is based out of the Shreveport office.
She previously worked for Retired U.S. Senator J. Bennett Johnston. Bradford has worked for U.S. Senator Landrieu since she won the U. S. Senate seat 1997 and has over 20 years as a Congressional staffer. She has served as president of the Shreveport Women’s Commission and Delta Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Bradford is the Former South Central Regional director of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (region consist of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Texas) and is a graduate of Leadership Louisiana.
She is currently serving on the boards: the Louisiana State Fair and The Shreveport Bossier Convention and Tourism.
She is an avid volunteer for the Northwest LA Sickle Cell Disease Association.
The program will recognize women in history who have made a change, to name a few who will be mentioned: Coretta Scott King, Hilary Clinton, Rosa Parks, Aretha Franklin, Mae C. Jemison, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Maya Angelou.
Reller is one professor to credit for this program along with Dr. Joyce Montogeomery-Scooy and May Conley.