The members of the alumna chapter of Tiger V, representing Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship Inc. will visit the Grambling State University campus on Tuesday, March 25 from 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the Student Union. Information will be provided on how to start the M.I.G. Club, (Men Interested in Groove), for 2014.
Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship Inc. was founded at Morgan State College (now Morgan State University) on Oct. 12, 1962 by 14 daring, young, Black American men who wanted to change the way of thinking about brotherhood.
The founders established the fellowship with the purposes of promoting academic awareness, ethical standards, and unity among men in undergraduate and graduate college programs; creating intelligent and effective leadership; and studying and helping to alleviate the social and economic problems of society to generally improve the world.
The fellowship currently has thousands of members and dozens of graduate and undergraduate chapters across the United States.
In support of its purposes, the fellowship’s affiliate chapters and members are encouraged to actively support the programs identified in the National Community Service Manual and Groove Fund, Inc., the charitable arm of Groove Phi Groove.
For more information about Groove Phi Groove, please visit the website or contact Fl. Andrew Pruitt at