
MY EDU connects students with employers


 Thanks to the University of Louisiana  System partnering with myEdu, Grambling State University students can now access job and internship opportunities like never before. 

 Often described as the professional Facebook or LinkedIn for college students, myEdu allows students to show their skills and educational achievements in an online and visually stimulating way. 

 ”It’s [also] an app,” says UL System President Sandra Woodley, “Students think it’s cool and they use it to navigate every week. It’s an online platform that can market [them] to different employers. There really is not that much like it out there.”

 he executives at myEdu, “believe that great products can change the world.” Because of this, they work to create new and innovative tools and services that help to bring out the latent potential in its users. 

“Our team is dedicated to helping college students manage college, tell their stories, and get jobs and internships,” says the myEdu team. “We’re proud of our hard work, and we hope you enjoy using our products.”

 According to the site, many career fields with employers that use the site searching for employees offer over 10,000 internships and over 200,000 job opportunities. The site also contains a schedule planner that allows students to create a custom schedule that works for them using a university’s actual course catalogue

 Professor recommendations are another feature that works to help students get the most out of their college experience. The feature allows students to access information like test type and study tips for professors on their campus so that students can take the perfect professor for their study habits and schedule.

 Woodley went on to say that the site”can really help students become successful. It is really transforming for our future.”

ther schools in the UL System that use the site include Lafayette University, Louisiana Tech University, McNeese State University, Nicholls State University, Northwestern State University, Southeastern Louisiana University, the University of Louisiana at Monroe, and the University of New Orleans.