
Mourning the loss of a sister

The Alpha Theta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha and the Grambling community are currently in a deep state of mourning.

Alice Stapleton-Brooks, a Fall 2011 graduate of Grambling State University, passed away from pregnancy complications on Saturday morning. She was 24. 

Brooks, a Delhi native who pledged AKA in Fall of 2010 and graduated with a bachelor of science in Nursing and was working at Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center in Lafayette when she passed. 

As cliché’ as it may sound, Brooks was the sweetest person you’ll ever meet, according to her line sisters.

“She was so sweet,” line sister Tiffanie Wiley stated. “She was heavily involved in the Student Nurses Association, the Favrot Student Union Board as well as AKA. She will truly be missed.”

Although Brooks, who would have turned 25 Oct. 30, perished before giving birth, doctors performed emergency surgery and saved her child. 

Her husband, Keeven Brooks, and her newborn daughter, Maleah Brooks, as well as a host of family, friends and sorority sisters, survives Alice.

Funeral services will be Saturday 2 p.m. in Delhi.