
Herstorian Insight

Do you have health insurance? If not, this is the perfect time to get affordable health care assistance. Accidents happen, and you never know when you may need to get help, therefore, it is paramount that we are covered with health care.  

The Affordable Care Act colloquially known as “Obamacare”, offers students many options that ensure they remain or gain coverage throughout college.

Being under the age of 26 makes you a target demographic when health care is concerned. Regardless of where you are in life, whether you are married, financially stable or in college you can still remain on your parents health insurance. 

If you’re under the age of 26, you can hop on and off of your parents insurance as many times as you want, as long as you’re under that age. 

Students who are close to 27 should begin looking for their own individual health care policy and coverage. Planning remains a vital role in keeping health care. If you’re coming close to losing health care with your parents it’s wise to talk to your  insurance company about the next step. Some private insurance companies have plans for young adults who are close to losing coverage. 

Tuesday started the open enrollment for health care issued by President Barack Obama. The website Healthcare.gov, received high traffic from many anxious and curious citizens. If you sign up before Dec. 15, your coverage can begin Jan. 1, 2014. Be mindful that the exchanges offered varies with states, therefore, it’s wise to research before hand. 


Voices editor Kimberly F. Monroe is a graduate mass communication major. 



The actual name is the Affordable Care Act.

President Obama signed ACA into law on March 23, 2010.

It becomes effective Jan. 1, 2014.

Signing up for Obama care started on Oct. 1.

Insurance companies can no longer charge you based on pre-existing conditions.

There will no longer be annual limit or lifetime limits.

Preventive health procedures such as breast exams and STD tests won’t cost.

If you don’t have insurance and you file taxes, you will be fined. 

There are five different plans, including a catastrophic plan for young adults. 

Every state has a marketplace* where you can compare prices.

If you have insurance available through your job, you won’t be able to qualify for it. 

If your parents have insurance, you can stay on until the age of 26; if you remain a student. This doesn’t apply to Medicaid or Medicare. 



The marketplace is similar to progressive auto insurance’s website in the comparing of prices. It is located at healthcare.gov.


-Compiled by Brittney Collins