
Student Government inaugurates new leaders

Grambling State University held its annual Student Government Association Inauguration and Union Takeover on Friday.

Even though the weather put a damper on the event, both of the events went on as planned. 

The inauguration featured the swearing in of SGA President Jordan Harvey, 21, and other members of the SGA.  

“It was very special,” said Harvey, a computer science major from Forsyth, Ga. “I want to thank God, my family and the GSU students.” 

David Ponton read the Oath of Office to the newly sworn in officials.

“The SGA is responsible for the laws and policies of the students,” said Ponton, who is the dean of students. “SGA is the vehicle to get the message to the administration and staff of what students want.”

Ponton said the evening was all about the students. He named a few goals the SGA and students have accomplished together, including the passing of the natatorium renovation fee. 

Kendrick Cannon, a freshman engineering and technology major from Baton Rouge, said the importance of attending an event like this is “I like to support different things that the school has.”  

Cannon also said students could help the SGA by expressing their needs. They can attend open Senate meetings and express concern with the SGA president and other elected officials. 

Junior Class President Ginia Smith, 20, is one of the four presidents with a list of things to accomplish this year.  

“The responsibility of my position is to inform my class of the importance of gaining internship experience for their future careers,” said the biology major from Lafayette.  

She hopes to collaborate with Harvey on that goal. 

 “I would like to have him as a testimonial for one of the junior class networking programs, because he has a lot of insight and connections within his field,” said Smith.  

Immediately following the inauguration was the Union Takeover, a social event designed for the students to mingle with their representatives in the Student Government. 

The students ate chicken and listened to reggae music as they socialized and pointed out critical problems facing the university. 

Since the rain curbed attendance, there was plenty of food to go around. 

Jonathan Allen, the outgoing SGA president; Derek Young, last year’s SGA student relations director; and Kendrya Todd, former Favrot Student Union Board president, started the Union Takeover.