The Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. hosted its first Men’s Appreciation Luncheon on Sunday, Feb. 24 at the Grambling Community Center.
The purpose of the event was to honor African-American men who have been not only instrumental to our community, but also to the sorority as well. African-American men have been a strong part of our history and often times go unrecognized for the work they do.
Men of our generation are often over shadowed by our past leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Fredrick Douglass, and Grambling’s own infamous Eddie Robinson Sr., to name a few.
The chapter just felt compelled to show their appreciation to these great men for constantly dedicating their time to help and motivate them in all their endeavors.
The sisters of Sigma Gamma Rho felt it was time to shed a positive light on the African American men who strive so hard to improve our community. The 2011-2012 Student Government Association President, Channing Gaulden opened up the program with some very encouraging words as he spoke to the crowd. Gaulden stated that, “being a leader is not easy but if we use the betrayals, disappointments and valleys as tools for our success, we have no reason not to conquer and succeed.”
The main speaker for the event was Dr. Steve Favors who spoke very passionately about the history of African-American men. Favors stated that, “out of all his time working with Greek Organizations, this was the first time that a sorority hosted a Men’s Appreciation program.” President of the chapter, Andrea Dillon read the poem “Phenomenal Brotha” before presenting the appreciation awards.
Among those recognized at the program were Dr. Steve Favors, Channing Gaulden, Coach David Ponton, Orlando Logan, Chief Freddie Peterson, Chief Tommy Clark, Mayor Edward Jones, Coach Terry Lilly, and Flynn Ludley. Gaulden went on to say that, “he loves Sigma Gamma Rho and the honorees were very enjoyable.”
The Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. would like to give a special thanks to the Beta Omega Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. for their tireless dedication and preparation for this event.
Dillon agreed that this event was a major success and looks forward to hosting many more Men’s Appreciation Luncheons for years to come.