
Grambling State students hunt for jobs at Career Fair


Career Counselor Deneisa Lofton was the host for the career reception that was held Thursday, Feb. 21, part one of a two day event. 

Students and possible employers filled the Eddie Robinson Museum for the reception which was part one of a two day event. Attendees were treated to a host of Louisiana cuisine and engaged in a game of bingo hosted by Denesia Lofton, career counselor. 

“I really enjoyed the bingo exercise because it helped us to meet new people from different majors and also to make connections because it’s all about who you know,” said graduating senior Zachary Spencer.

 The reception also brought back a few familiar faces with Grambling ties, the largest being the Arkansas Department of Human Services. 

“This is, in fact, my sixth time coming to Grambling State, and I plan on continuing to come so I can help students receive future jobs,” said Carl Props, a representative from the Dewitt, Ark city based company.

Although the company did not have on the spot hiring Props wanted to make sure students have an idea at the reception on what the job is about.

“I come to the career fairs so we can make relationships with the students and offer employment opportunities that we have at the Arkansas department of services,” said Props. “We are not doing on the spot hiring at this time but I am here to inform students about our company and we have currently 8000 employees in the state of Arkansas.”

According to Props there are between five to seven students from GSU who were hired to work for the Department.  

The reception was only the opening to the career fair that was held in the Favrot Student Union Black and Gold Room. Job seekers had nearly four hours to explore the spring semesters largest career event.

Representatives from Enterprise, Wal-Mart, Target, the Federal Correctional Complex in Pollock and more were in attendance Friday. 

With the variety of companies, students had mixed feelings about the career fair due to their majors and what they believe fit them the most.

“I feel the career fair has been very beneficial, I am a management major so I looked at Wal-Mart, Target and Enterprise the most,” said Anthony Morgan, a senior management major.

Senior engineering technology major Alante Clark, disagreed, “I believe the fair isn’t beneficial to engineering majors. I feel it is geared towards business and criminal justice majors.” 

According to Dr. Janet Guyden dean of graduate students, said that it’s not about a student’s educational discipline but more importantly the skills learned as a job seeker.

“Soft skills are what makes you get the job,” said Dr. Guyden. “If you can talk properly, and have excellent communication skills then the job can train you for what they want you to do.  It’s not all about majors all the time.”